Permanently get rid of the annoying “Make Google your homepage” popup box

Here is how to permanently get rid of the annoying box that pops up when visiting prompting to make Google your homepage. Note this is for users of Firefox.

1. Install the Stylish addon.

2. You should have a little icon for Stylish on your toolbar to the right of the location bar. If you are on and you click on it there is an option in the drop-down: “Write new style”. Select to write a new style for (you could also select to write on for but be aware that this will affect any other Google sites you use like Gmail for example).

Now you will see a new Stylish tab open where you can edit the style. First, in the text box for Name enter Then, in the editor pane, add the following lines so it looks like this:

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document domain("") {

div.gb_ga.gb_g {
display: none !important;


Now click the Save button and close the tab. You are done. That annoying popup should never happen again. I don’t know what the issue is with Google constantly forcing that stupid box on people. After you’ve clicked no like 20 times you would think they would get the hint.

Final note: You can use Stylish to alter any sites you want. For example you could change the fonts on your favorite news site from sans-serif to serif (which I prefer for reading). If you are creative you can really change the layouts, changing column sizes, removing annoying banners and other elements. Its really cool. Its almost like a video game to use Stylish and zap away all the annoying things you don’t want on sites!