Great article at RCP about US government failures Thank Pampered Political Class for 2016’s Angry Electorate


There was the moment in 2008 when Congress bailed out the financial industry, followed by the moment in 2014 when it passed the cromnibus bill that allowed those same institutions to make risky bets again inside their government-insured institutions. Such a double standard is called privatizing profits and socializing losses. It conforms to no known political ideology. What it does conform to is access to campaign cash—and possibly post-congressional employment. It passed with support from both Republicans and Democrats. When the campaign coffers of the Democrats who supported the 2014 bill were examined, it turned out they received twice as much money from the financial services industry as those who voted against it.

Imagine how much America could change if Donald Trump were President and people like Greg Orman were in Congress!

Personally, I think Bernie Sanders would make a great Senator (I know he already is) to work in this context. We need people like Greg Orman, Bernie Sanders, and many others to root out the corruption and rot in American politics. (But I still feel that he is not suited for President and, if elected, he will be able to accomplish virtually nothing. That, and he supports mass amnesty to anyone who crosses the border into the US, which is odd to me because that is a Koch brothers agenda and harms American workers.)