The Plague

Mexicans who come to America and then modify the exhaust systems of their vehicles to deliberately emit loud noise are a plague on our communities. All of them and their children should be immediately deported. Anyone who claims that it is humane to support a plague is insane.

The same thing goes for all people with modified exhaust systems. I’m especially sick of the race-car or whatever its called culture with the Asians. I understand and even respect people who put time and effort into their vehicles, but they cross the line when they expose hundreds and thousands of people to that outrageous noise every day. They are plaguing our communities and I don’t see any responsibility being taken among either of these communities for the damage they are causing.

Then there are the white trash with their Harleys, the vast majority of whom should be locked up in jail cells or even better exiled to an island somewhere. They have forfeited their right to live in civilized society. Their motorcycles are not just loud, they are absolutely deafening. They are rolling human rights violations. Only a society that has gone completely insane would tolerate this as some type of “freedom”.

I grew up in a peaceful suburb and we never had this kind of problem. Now I see it all over. I was in a state park a couple days ago and even in there there were outrageous, appalling violations. There was a large group of people at a campground by the roadway and I thought how terrible it was for those people because the noises they were exposed to were literally deafening.

And the situation is becoming more and more lawless. Now you see where they literally take over freeways to have their shows or whatever they call them. Its outrageous. And it shows the effects of the insane policies of our government.

If they want to build a race track somewhere or allocate a large parking lot for people to do this in their free time, I’m all for it. But shutting down the freeway? And terrorizing communities?

And on top of all this, vehicle manufacturers are deliberately catering to this. They are deliberately manufacturing vehicles to appeal to these people. Talk about sick.

I fully support Donald Trump for President in 2016. No politician has even addressed the issue of protecting our communities from this particular plague but Donald Trump comes the closest.

America has been far too lenient, to the point of damaging itself. Of course it is never the blood of the liberal politicians, nor their kids, which gets spilled (their kids are probably the ones with these cars). It is the people who live in the hellhole communities created as a result of their insane policies.

And to the Mexicans I say: If you want to be accepted then stop plaguing our fucking communities. If you don’t respect our communities, our people, then get the fuck out of here and go back where you came from, because you don’t deserve to live in a civilized society. You deserve to live in a fucking barn.

I would be the first person to support you, but when you piss on our communities you destroy any modicum of respect or caring.

I want Donald Trump to become President to whip our country – which has become such a grotesque mess – back into line. The liberal politicians have proven they are insane.

I always understood that one of the most basic, fundamental principles of civil society is that people should be free to do what they want so long as it doesn’t adversely impact others. But when it does affect others adversely, that is crossing a line.

We all have a need and a right to get from point A to point B. But when I go from point A to point B, I don’t violate the rights of others. In fact, when most people go from point A to point B, they don’t violate the rights of others. Only the sick fucks with no brains do this shit. And why don’t politicians do anything about it? Because their kids are the ones doing this shit? Call the police to report it but… no response. Maybe its the police captain’s kid who’s the spoiled shit violating everyone’s right to peace?

The liberal politicians in our country now see their jobs as being rule-breakers in chief. They are not rule-upholders, but rather violators. They have the most fucked up concept of boundaries, of personal space and rights, even while they claim to be upholding freedom and rights. They should be ashamed to call themselves Americans, and they completely fail to get what freedom and civilized, free society is about at its core.

In order to have rights you have to have integrity of the organism, something they catastrophically fail to comprehend. In their supreme ignorance they think that destroying boundaries increases freedom. No wonder our communities have descended into such intolerable hell holes.

All of this violation and abuse fits in with the bigger picture of lawlessness and crime, and with the most warped concepts of “rights”. It is now proven that liberal politics have failed miserably and have led to a state of violation, abuse, and lawlessness.

And sadly, what is called conservative is just a complete farce, except for the few exceptions like Donald Trump who, thankfully, are smashing the corrupt Republican party to pieces and creating a new one which is actually conservative in the real sense.


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