Who is to blame for the drug trade?

Just watched the interview with El Chapo where he openly admits that drugs are damaging, but he also says that the use of drugs by people is the same with or without him. And he explains that where he is from, a place of poverty and no opportunity, that was the only way available to move forward.

I cannot make any moral judgement about this man. I do not know about the situations that led to violence that occurred. But I know that people are born into rough worlds and live in them. You see it all the time in the news. I see it in front of me in the streets. Its part of the reality of the world.

But I do think that the government is very much responsible for the violence and other problems related to drugs. It is the policiy of making them illegal which is directly responsible for this.

Drugs are a problem like any other medical problem. People that have addictions need to be treated. But pushing the drug market underground has had and will continue to have devastating consequences.

A much better policy would be to make drugs available via pharmacies, similar to other drugs which a person has to sign for and which they are only allowed to receive a certain amount per interval of time.

Of course people will abuse such a system. But they are going to use the drugs anyhow. And creating a vast underground which is fueled by unimaginable violence which feeds off the dire poverty of certain people is no answer.

I have always been a curious person. Since a young age I was naturally curious and wanted to try different drugs just to experience the effects. But luckily I have a strong foundation of health and I always knew that drugs were not the path (nor is alcohol which is exactly like drugs). If you are a healthy person, once you figure out what “high” is, then you understand completely that drugs only deplete energy and diminish being high.

I have witnessed a lot of drug use and I can say that quite often it is a symptom of other things going wrong. So just stopping people – or trying to stop them – from taking drugs often is not a solution to whatever underlying problems there are in people’s lives.

By keeping drugs illegal and focusing on that aspect of them, it does not help to increase awareness of the fundamentals which are often ignored. Many apparently humanistic political leaders are all too happy to allow fundamentals to rot while selectively focusing on symptomatic things with seemingly good intentions.

I write this based on experience. For decades political leaders have been telling people how great things are, how there is all this progress, how their policies are so great. And we are this country with so much resources, one must think: How could things go wrong?

But wrong they have gone. Very wrong. Homelessness is a huge problem. The disappearance of the middle class is a huge problem. Lack of educational, housing, medical, and other opportunities for people is a huge problem. Crime is a huge problem. There are enormous problems now and things have gotten worse and worse and still worse.

So we know that everything that has been said is utter bullshit, that they are either liars or incompetent. I’m guessing a mixture of both.

And is there any prospect for change? One person is about to circulate a ballot initiative in California to require state legislators to wear the emblems of their largest financial donors when they are working. Sort of like the way race car drivers have all those patches on their outfits.

The situation of open bribery, of government by bribery, is absolutely preposterous and completely insane. This is one very major reason I support Donald Trump as president in 2016. He has spoken at length about the issue of the influence of money on politics and how it is a severe problem.

And of course the oligarchy-controlled Big Media has completely ignored his message and continues to focus on him rather than on his messages which are resonating strongly with millions of people.