Europe’s Betrayal

By now everyone has heard the appalling news about the mass sexual abuse that occurred in multiple cities in Germany on New Year’s Eve. People may not have also read that over the past couple years it was revealed that widespread networks of Arab males in England methodically raped hundreds of girls.

Germany has just let over a million Arabs in what is an absolute outrage.

I am all for conducting business or forming alliances with other countries. But the idea that we have some obligation to accept people from totally different cultures which do not have the same values as ours is misguided.

I have to ask – why – why is it that it is always countries of European peoples which claim to have some burden to accept people? Non-European countries don’t do this. Indonesia does not accept people like that. China does not. Mongolia does not. Saudi Arabia, which is close to Syria, does not. No other countries do except European countries. Why is that?

For example, what about Libya. Its a huge country. There’s a lot of land. Its not too far away from where the refugees are coming from. Why the fuck does not Libya accept people? What about Burma? It also has a lot of land. Ample space. It could accept people. But it does not. Why? Or maybe Burkina Faso. It also is a very large country. Guinea is also quite massive in size, so is Kyrgyzstan. How come they are not in the headlines for their acceptance of millions of refugees into their ample territory? It would be rather trivial I think to construct some decent cities in the middle of the vast empty regions in any of these countries to accommodate refugees and emigrants.

But no, they are taken into European cultures which are totally different, and the supposedly humanitarian leaders are never the ones who bleed from the misguided policies.

What is occurring now in Europe is an outrage. It is nothing less than the complete betrayal of the people of Europe.

European people deserve to live in their own land. They deserve to have their own ethnic groups and countries. Yet they are being destroyed by the most appalling, sickening acts of betrayal. It is the same oligarchy which engaged in the slave trade between Africa and the Americas and which enslaved people in Southeast Asian Pacific islands and other areas which is now behind all this mass immigration occurring, and for similar reasons of greed. It is all about the gears of production and making money, regardless of whether entire nations, entire peoples are betrayed.

What is occurring now in the world is another act of mass enslavement as huge populations are deliberately allowed to shift, destroying middle-class societies and entire cultures and value systems. The oligarchy in Europe and the United States has a lot of blood on its hands.