There is no need to deport the 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. At least not all of them. The Republican presidential candidates including John Kasich are being disingenuous because they already know full well that that is not what needs to be done. There is no need to physically deport 11 million people. All that has to be done is to prevent the employment of illegals – in other words enforce already existing federal law and strengthen it by holding employers strictly responsible for verifying citizenship status of all employees.
There’s also something which is being said by both Democrat and Republican oligarchs regarding the deportation of illegals: “That’s not what America is about”. I believe that Kasich used this exact phrase in the fourth Republican debate.
Here is what I have to say: When I was younger and worked many jobs as a youth and young adult, I always had to complete a federal I-9 form and provide two forms of identification to validate my citizenship status. The jobs I worked – paper delivery, laborer, dishwasher, food delivery, retail, and many more – ALL required this.
So I ask: What was America about then? Was it only that the oligarchy didn’t want to have an influx of millions of cheap laborers to prop up its economy and make the entitled class rich?
Because, back then, it was illegal to hire illegal immigrants and, before the Internet existed and anything similar to the E-Verify system existed, the I-9 form was the way employers enacted their responsibility to adhere to federal law.
I now look and see America as a country where they are bringing in literally millions of Indian, Chinese, and other foreigners to work in the tech and other industries because American companies claim to lack “skilled” labor. But I have to ask – what the hell is going on? What is the point of having these companies? Are they American companies? Is this America? Why do these companies even exist here?
What is really happening is that we are in a time when the oligarchy no longer feels it needs to adhere to actual rules. It does whatever it wants. It bends the rules. I see this in my own city and state to a sickening degree. The system now exists not to uphold ideals or principles that are mutually agreed upon, it exists to be bent, circumvented, or ignored at will. Its only purpose seems to be to create a pretense of order and integrity.
We are living in a time when the basic principle of the rule of law is being decimated. The entire point of rule of law is that is how civilized societies are supposed to operate. We have agreed upon ideals that we follow and those become enshrined into laws that must be followed. What we have now is the arising a a new form of tyranny which doesn’t uphold rule of law.
This is why it is so incredibly important when Donald Trump courageously takes a stand and states repeatedly that “We are a country of laws” and “We have laws”. Not only in the context of immigration law, but in the much larger context of an oligarchy which is failing to honor one of the most basic democratic principles which makes civil society possible: the Rule of Law.
One form of violation of the rule of law is called selective enforcement which is now a serious problem. It means that laws are not applied equally to all people, not enforced equally. Again, the idea behind rule of law is that it applies to all within a society. But what happens when the law is ignored in some instances, bent in others, and seemingly capriciously applied in others? That is actually unconstitutional, but it is a way that many corrupt governments use to effectively create their own policies without having to actually go through a democratic process of creating laws.
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