The flood of illegal immigrants

America is being flooded with illegal immigrants. In some parts of the country people only notice a small amount of illegals. However, there are some areas where the flood is massive.

I love my city and its multiculturalism. I am proud that my country is a place where people can come from all over the world and live together. That is what makes America great.

But I am against illegal immigration. I am against the massive waves of illegals flooding into the country for what seems like the past 10 or 15 years at least, reaching a level now that is almost incomprehensible. The borders of America have collapsed and I am strongly opposed to it.

People may say that I’m a bigot or a racist. But then citizens of every other developed nation on Earth which have the sane immigration policies I’m advocating are also bigots and racists. Except they are not and I am not. Because opposing illegal immigration is about: Immigration. Having a sane immigration system is about: Immigration.

People who call those speaking out against insane immigration policies bigots or racists are in fact themselves racist and bigots. People should not be allowed to jump the queue, cut ahead of the line just because. I don’t accept this and the breakdown of the immigration system and the failure to enforce existing laws, and the way the laws are deliberately being ignored and flaunted is sick.

According to statistics 3/4 of the illegals coming in are illiterate and lack a high school diploma. The jobs they steal from Americans, such as laborer, maintenance worker, painters, helpers, landscaping and yard work, dishwashing or kitchen help, and many others are exactly the kinds of jobs which help people on the margins of society stay afloat.

Yesterday the BBC ran a heartbreaking story about the homeless emergency in Los Angeles. That emergency is happening not just in LA. In my city it is happening. The homeless crisis has reached a level that is absolutely shocking. The entire downtown of my city – a huge area – is basically an enormous homeless zone.

Over the past decade, exactly as the flood of illegals coming in has reached outrageous proportions, the homeless emergency has also grown.

I have always been a strong environmentalist and liberal in terms of my beliefs. But now I wonder.
Yet politicians who are “liberal” are the ones allowing and in fact encouraging this epic, massive flood of illegal immigrants into America. And when you try to communicate with them, if they bother to communicate back at all, they will make the most outrageous statements about the “rights” of illegals, about America being an open country (even while no developed nation in the world, even the most liberal ones, accept people without qualifications and allow the loss of jobs to their own citizens), about how it is humane to allow this to happen and not split up families.

Basically, all of their explanations are false or misleading. None of them gel with the policies of every other developed nation in the world, even the most liberal.

What it really amounts to is that the Democratic party wants to significantly increase its voter base, while at the same time providing a vast pool of cheap labor to corporations – the oligarchic interests whom they really serve.

Furthermore, I believe that people should be left alone in their personal lives to live the way they want, so long as they respect others and do not violate others. This may seem like a liberal belief, but actually I think it is a conservative one. Basically, people deserve their privacy and the right to live how they want, so long as they do not violate others.

And here’s the problem: Under these liberal politicians the violations which occur are extensive. Even while they claim that they stand for humanistic ideals, the communities they are responsible for are sick, unhealthy, rotting places where basic human rights of health and integrity are routinely violated in what are becoming more and more lawless zones where only thugs or the extremely wealthy prosper.

They have failed massively to protect people at the most basic level of bodily integrity as the cities become cesspools of violation and offense against the body physiologically, physically, and psychologically. No responsible leaders would ever allow this to happen, and none who claim to be truly humanitarian would.

The United States is in dire trouble. It is being destroyed. Illegal immigration is out of control. The oligarchy is in control of a government run by bribery, and the same oligarchy controls Big Media, controls “the news”, controls the stories that get reported and published.

Communities are sinking and there is only one candidate running for President who has the capacity to really change things: Donald Trump. He has spoken at length in his press conferences and rallies about his platform which includes:

The recognition that Obamacare has not met its goal. Health insurance premiums have skyrocketed, as have deductibles and co-payments. At the same time actual coverage is weak. The middlemen – exactly the ones documented in Michael Moore’s groundbreaking film Sicko, are raking in obscene profits. Americans are being massively ripped-off. Donald Trump supports a radical change to the healthcare system which includes more affordable and universal coverage for all Americans.

The recognition that the tax system is broken and needs to be reformed. People like hedge fund managers who make obscene profits – not by actually creating jobs or producing anything of value, but solely by trading and manipulating – are not paying close to their fair share of taxes. At the same time, the poorest Americans who are struggling to get by, under Donald Trump’s plan, will not pay any tax, which will ultimately help the economy by improving things.

The recognition that there has been a huge loss of American jobs over the past decades. As Donald says, America has built China. It is the huge loss of American jobs to factories in China which has led to the huge increase in wealth of China, an extremely hard-line, totalitarian dictatorship which does not allow freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and has many other extremely serious deficiencies with regard to fundamental rights.

Jobs are also being lost as American companies build factories in places like Mexico where they get cheap labor and pay very little tax.

Furthermore, American companies are hiring massive numbers of foreigners for high-skilled and even low-end tech jobs and many of the companies and agencies responsible for this actually discriminate against Americans and in favor of foreigners in their hiring. All this while the American education system rots.

The recognition that the invasion of Iraq was a disaster for America. Donald has spoken and continues to speak of this at length, unlike any other Republican candidates. He clearly recognized at the time the fallacy of invading Iraq and the enormous bloodshed and damage to the US, while we should have been repairing our crumbling infrastructure at home.

The recognition that Big Media is being manipulated by an oligarchy which wields enormous power behind the scenes and which routinely manufactures “news”, or alternately censors information, according to its agenda which is not a democratic one.

The recognition that American government has become a system of bribery in which politicians are beholden to wealthy donors – the oligarchy – and who fail to truly represent the interests of the American people.

Please vote for Donald Trump. Register as Republican and make sure you vote for him in the Republican primary.

Its time to send a message to the politicians who are destroying our country and destroying our communities that we are waking up and that things will change.


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