Immigration Policy of the United States

The points below are identical to every other developed nation in the world. While I avidly support immigration, I do not support unchecked illegal immigration which takes jobs and resources from American citizens.

1. Children born to illegal immigrant parents are not US citizens.

2. Illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in any election in the United States. There must be a means to verify citizenship status of all registered voters.

3. It must be illegal to employ illegal immigrants. Businesses must be held responsible for verifying the citizenship status of their employees. Any business employing illegal immigrants must be subject to steep fines and other sanctions including being forced to shut down. Egregious violators must be subject to imprisonment. This law must apply to all businesses, be they small private contractors or large corporations.

4. People working illegally in the United States should be subject to imprisonment and eventual deportation.

5. It must be illegal to provide housing to illegal immigrants. Landlords must be held responsible for verifying the citizenship status of their tenants. Any landlord providing housing to illegal immigrants must be subject to steep fines, sanctions, and even imprisonment.

6. It must be illegal for any state, county, municipal, or other governmental body within the United States to enact laws or policies which bypass or conflict in any way with US federal law, subject to strict fines, sanctions, or further actions depending upon the severity.


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