Best line from a drama ever

Ishitachi no Renai Jijou ep04

I’m not sure if we should go with hepatocholangiojejunostomy or choledochoduodenostomy.

–Dr. Morita

Ishitachi no Renai Jijou ep04 37’51”

Dr. Morita (center right) is operating on Dr. Kondo’s mother for a bile duct stricture. Dr. Kondo originally came to Koyo Medical University Hospital with the hope of being able to eventually operate on his own mother, but the staff at the hospital instituted a new rule forbidding doctors to operate on close friends or family. While Dr. Morita is operating on Dr. Kondo’s mother, Dr. Kondo is operating on Dr. Morita’s ex-fiancee from 8 years ago.

Dr. Nishi, who is assisting Dr. Morita, does not yet know that Dr. Ichikawa is pregnant with his baby, although Dr. Ichikawa decided to not tell Dr. Nishi, who she believes is happily married (although he is really not).

Dr. Takahashi, who has just recently been promoted to a senior position, is assisting Dr. Kondo. Dr. Takahashi is a womanizer. Dr. Kawai who is an anesthesiologist likes Dr. Takahashi, who once played with her young son – who she is raising on her own – in the hospital lobby. However Dr. Takahashi does not take her seriously although he occasionally makes bold passes at her.