Hacking with Polymer under Cygwin

Decided to explore Polymer and prefer to work under Cygwin. One of the requirements for it is Bower, which itself requires Node.js.

Node.js doesn’t exist as a Cygwin package so the easiest way to install it is to just download the Windows installer.

There is also a requirement for Git and in their docs they state “To use Bower on Windows, you must install msysgit correctly.” But I’m wondering if its just possible to install Cygwin’s Git.

[Will update this soon.]

Also created a little script to set up the Node.js environment which would automatically be done by running “Programs -> Node.js -> Node.js command prompt”.
This requires that ~/bin is in your $PATH:
$vi ~bin/nodejs_setup

PATH=”${HOME}/AppData/Roaming/npm:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/:${PATH}”
echo $PATH

Running nodejs_setup then sets the correct path.

[Will update this soon]


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