America’s a great country

America’s a great country
If you’re an annoying, retarded aggro shit
And want to drill a hole in your muffler
And abuse everyone around you

If you want to operate outrageously loud
Landscaping equipment which terrorizes
And violently abuses delicate
Precious and vulnerable living beings

If you want to be a loudmouth
Banal hypocritical fuck
Who gets elected to serve office
Only to betray the people
You’re supposed to serve

I lived in one of the most beautiful
Cultured, ecological and advanced
Places of the world for a year

The public transportation system puts the one here to shame
The structure and composition of government is beyond
What is even imagined or envisioned here as attainable
Public safety is given the highest priority
And accomplished without overarching police powers and brutality
The landscape and architecture are the best in the world
Yet no power landscaping equipment is needed
No vehicle is allowed to disturb, annoy, and abuse others
It would never be tolerated because communities are sane
There is a richness in communities that is accessible to all
Not cordoned, walled, or fenced off

Its not a surprise that this sick country
Has committed egregious acts of brutality, torture,
Murder, and destruction
Because that is what it is predicated upon
Down the the level of the community
It is a society based on violence, abuse, and “power”
Which in the end is really only weakness
Of sick, deluded people