I don’t get the opposition to voter id

Anyone but a stupid moron should realize the importance of requiring valid identification for the purpose of voting. Valid identification is required to open a bank account. It is required to log on to your bank’s website. Its required to purchase anything online. How much more so should it be required then to vote for political representatives and officials? How the fuck could it not be important to want to verify that a person voting is doing so legitimately?

I’m really blown away at all the opposition to voter id requirements. If anything, the requirements should be as strong as absolutely possible so that, in addition to voting in person, people can also be able to vote online. We need stronger voter identification, not less, and absolutely not none.

The opposition to it just shows the inanity of people and/or hypocrisy. I’m sure some political groups are willing to bash those trying to eliminate fraud and ensure that elections have integrity all for the sake of scoring some cheap points.

In the article linked above, they make it sound like a big deal that the guy can’t be bothered to get some form of valid state identification. California has a state ID that anyone can go to a Dept. of Motor Vehicles office and just get. It sounds like Texas didn’t have this but they did create another form of ID just to help people meet the requirements of the new law.

If some fuck off can’t be bothered to minimally get some kind of basic ID, do we even want such people voting?

Who the fuck would think that defending the “rights” of someone like that is anything but a bad idea?

You have got to be kidding me. Absolute inanity. I like the Guardian, but it seems like whenever they wade into American political issues they often have no clue.