Yaay football! Go team!

Professional sports in the United States is disgusting and sickening. It has nothing to do with true athletics. Some of the people involved make exorbitant amounts of money while adding no value to society. It breeds a disgusting mindset. Not far from where I live I can hear high school kids practicing sports on a field almost daily and the yells and screams that accompany the practice. “Go go go!”

Parents condition their kids to aggro, disgusting, hyper-competitive rotten fucks. In an enlightened society this would not happen.

Here is a video of what happened at a football game recently. This is the type of mindset that is cultivated by all this professional sports bullshit. Be competitive, aggro, disgusting asswipes. Be a good soldier. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Who in the hell in their right mind would actually pay money to enter a place where there are people like this around? It truly is sick.

All the while I look around and see nothing but sick people who don’t know how to care for their bodies. I think its no coincidence that the two – this disgusting dominance of professional sports in American society and the lack of health – occur together. The other day I was trying to enjoy peace in a park downtown when overhead flew an outrageously loud aircraft towing a banner advertising beer. Things like that really show what America is about, what its priorities and values are. The stadiums are these disgusting temples to worship their gods of ignorance, gluttony, and waste. Overhead fly the machines in the sky advertizing booze to the stupid, violent, aggro, abusive masses. Be a good American.

The only thing needed to make this sick display complete would be some cheerleaders flailing their pompoms. I’m sure both these violent criminals have lots of offspring. Woo fucking hoo.

The day they had the celebration when a local professional sports team had one the national championship about a year ago, the entire downtown turned into a sick, horrific, lawless, dangerous fiasco with gangs of violent thugs roaming through the streets.

Higher education is languishing here but when it comes to shit like the America’s Cup or wanting to build a new basketball arena downtown, the politicians and the oligarchs pull out all the stops. The skewed priorities and greed are truly disgusting.

If this society were healthy and sane there would be the same impetus to build the best institutions of higher education downtown, not more monuments to stupid bullshit and to greed.