Its so creepy

One part of the Snowden revelations has been totally ignored.

Think about this for a minute: What if Edward Snowden had not performed such a remarkable, deeply heroic act? Let’s just conjecture for a minute about the alternate reality in which he had not made the revelations he has made.

Here is this guy living in Hawaii. I’m sure he did not live in isolation. He must have known people. He must have done things, gone places.

Not only that, but what about his former girlfriend? She was a performance artist. A performance artist. Think about what this means for a minute. Let it soak in.

There is an entire pig-echelon that is hidden with in society. Our government – at enormous taxpayer expense – has created this highly secret class of people empowered to raid and violate the lives of other human beings, and they are hidden.

His girlfriend was a performance artist. That is shocking. Anyone can be part of the secret pig-network who rape people’s lives. We have never voted for such a network to exist. We were never informed of it. And in fact they have gone to great lengths to deceive and conceal their existence, even from courts of law.

It is extremely creepy and sick.