Enslavement and murder of dolphins in Japan

This is horrible. Hundreds of dolphins have been rounded up in a cove in Taiji, Japan and are either being killed for meat or enslaved for life after being sold for large sums of money to marine parks and aquariums. If it were not for the demand from marine parks and aquariums and the exhorbitant amounts of money they pay this horrific slaughter and enslavement would not be going on.

I’m sure some marine parks might say that their enslaved dolphins were not captured this way, that they were born in captivity. But just because a being has been born into slavery does not make it right. Right? I mean, America ended slavery in the 1860’s because slavery was wrong, not just because brutally capturing and murdering people is wrong.

The U.S. has been sticking by Japan’s side throughout the islands dispute with China. I think the U.S. should now refuse to help Japan any further in this matter. Japan has now shown that it is not capable of being a good steward of marine/island habitats and should forfeit all military, political, and economic backing from the U.S.

I don’t go to marine parks. If I went to one, it would be a place with water slides and fun things to do, not a place with enslaved sentient life forms.

Meanwhile, Japan has another horrific problem: extremely radioactive water has been found to be continually leaking out of the core of reactor 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Reactor 3 has had a meltdown and it contains plutonium which is extremely, extremely toxic:

Radioactive water leaking at Fukushima Daiichi

The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says water leaking in the number 3 reactor building is most likely to have come from the containment vessel.

Tokyo Electric Power Company discovered the water flow on the first floor of the reactor building on Saturday.
The stream is about 30 centimeters wide and continuously pours into a drain.

An investigation showed the water contains nearly as high a level of radioactive materials as the contaminated water accumulating in the building’s basement.

TEPCO says it detected 24 million becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances, including strontium, as well as 1.7 million becquerels per liter of Cesium 137.

The water temperature is approximately 20 degrees Celsius. That is almost the same temperature as the water at the bottom of the reactor.

TEPCO officials suspect the water for cooling melted fuel in the containment vessel is leaking for some unknown reason.

They say they will continue their investigation to understand the condition of the melted fuel, as well as that of the containment vessel in their effort to find out how and where the water is leaking.

Jan. 19, 2014 – Updated 22:45 UTC

Water leaking out of the core of a reactor is extremely bad. All that extremely high radiation leaks out into the ground and disperses and makes it extremely difficult to be able to work at that location.

For some reaosn they don’t give the actual flow rate of the highly contaminated water, only stating that it is a stream 30 centimeters wide.


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