Everyone I talk to says the same thing about Thanksgiving

That it should be a holiday, a time to rest, to be at home with friends or family or just enjoying peace alone. It is not a time for a shopping frenzy. For shopping past midnight. For traffic congestion and people pushing and shoving.

Its sad but I think every American should take a hard look at this and really examine it in depth because it speaks volumes about America and how dramatically it has changed since the time of the pilgrims.

Its just another reflection of how our society and our culture is being hijacked by big business and big media for the sake of turning people into consuming, obedient automatons.

I like shopping and I know a lot of salespeople in various stores in my city, and I felt sad visiting them on Sunday evening, after the frenzy of the preceeding two days had died down, to see them tired and worn out.

The reason to have a holiday is precisely to let people have rest, all of us, not work them to death just to sell sell sell.

No one I have spoken with over the past week thinks that this Black Friday stuff is right or good. Thursday and Friday should be days of rest – as well as Saturday and Sunday. It should be a special time of year to take off and reflect a little and chill out as the season changes.

Do we the people have the collective power to re-create a holiday which we have now lost?

I think that we will continue to lose more and more – more than simply holidays – if we stay on this course. We are losing our government, our communities, our health, our happiness, our peace of mind. All the things that matter, that make our world better we are allowing to be hijacked by corporations. But its our responsibility because we are allowing it!


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