Strength train when young. Ban steriod dopers for decades.

A new groudbreaking study has come out which shows that there is some kind of cellular memory effect of taking performance-enhancing steriods. This effect was shown to last for a significant time in mice, equivalent to what would be a span of a decade or more in humans.

Currently those who are caught taking steriods are banned for a couple of years. If more research into this cellular memory effect is shown to really exist in humans, than it is likely that bans should last not for a couple years but for decades. Those who have been exposed even briefly to steriods may be affected by them for very long spands of time, giving them a performance edge over those who haven’t. This may also make detection a nightmare since even brief use before later activity as a professional competitor could have an effect.

Another, positive aspect of the research showed that even working out without steroids can enhance the memory of cells to regain muscle. It is hypothesized that strength training when young can impart the cellular memory for enhanced muscle generation even when one is older. Yaay! I like that!

Source:; “Brief exposure to performance-enhancing drugs may be permanently ‘remembered’ by muscles


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