Go metric now

This is a follow up to previous posts about going metric. Everyone should already have switched to celsius for temperature; metric units of centimeter, kilometer, etc. for length; and km/h for speed.

If you haven’t made the switch make it now. Go into the settings for all your computers and other devices and switch everything to metric (and also 24-hour time format and ISO 8601 date format).

If you don’t care about making it and are too lazy to be bothered, puke on you. Please stop reading my blog!

Now come personal measurements:

Switch your scale to metric right now.

Go into Windows (or other) calculator, which has a nice unit conversion feature (View -> Unit conversion), and calculate the upper and lower weight values for your target range in kilograms. I find knowing the target range easier because it gives me a reference of where my actual weight at any particular time is.

I actually recommend using two upper weight values for personal reference: ideal upper weight and practical upper weight. Ideal upper weight is the upper limit of what you would really like in a dream world. Practical is the upper limit of what it might fluctuate between during periods such as stress or poor sleep when it might be slightly higher than the ideal. This takes a little pressure off you during times of stress and allows you to still feel good about your weight but know that ideally you really want it (and your stress) to be lower.

So: Switch your scale to readout in kg now and never go back!

Also: This one is simple: Again with the unit conversion feature of the calculator, calculate your height in centimeters. Remember it and never go back.

Finally: Please e-mail or call the President, Governor, and all your state and federal legislators and tell them that the time is now for America to switch to metric and demand that all publicly-displayed units be given in metric including all speed-limit signs on roads. Tell them if they’re not willing and committed to do this for America puke on them.

If you ever have to write a weight down, write it in kg and mark “kg” next to it just to be clear. If you ever have to write a date, write it like 2013-08-04 and write “ISO 8601 format” next to it. If anyone gives you a hard time because of it, tell them puke on you because its the global standard on Planet Earth.


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