Category: Uncategorized
USA is Dead
What a fucking joke. The USA is dead. It is now officially Chinmexindia. Feds: Migrant Children at Border Have 95 Percent Chance of Staying in U.S. And of course the entitled elites who don’t hesitate to call everyone opposed to mass invasion and displacement racist nazis are never the ones to suffer the effects. Why…
The Lure and the Orange
I was walking along the coast and looked down and saw what looked like a small, shiny-looking fish with pretty colors lying amidst the sand and stones. It was a fishing lure. It had some embedded grains of dirt on it which made me think it may have been there for a long time. I…
“What we are seeing is the full takeover of the United States”
Source video is a little glitchy so please bear with it. The lies and hypocrisy of mainstream media: CNN: NBC:
List of Essential and Useful Packages for the Atom Editor
whitespace First on the list is whitespace, a core package that included with Atom. It annoyingly removes whitespace at the end of documents. Recommendation is to disable it. wrap-guide Another core package that is included with Atom. Displays a vertical line at the 80th character (column) in the editor. This is for when you want…
Customizations for the Atom Editor
Here is my styles.less customization for the Atom editor user interface. I like a dark interface and editor style and this stylesheet is intended to work with either the Seti UI theme or One Dark UI theme and the Seti syntax theme. Under Themes – Seti UI options I have Compact Mode enabled. In the…
White Girl White Girl What Do You See?
White girl, white girl, what do you see? Everywhere I go only one in twenty people look like me. White girl, white girl, what do you see? No magazine covers with people like me. White girl, white girl, what do you see? Every show and ad on TV shows blacks mating with people like me.…
The Crop Dust USA with Fentanyl Act
We’re the GOP, we support the Crop Dust the USA with Fentanyl Act. This act will bring equality and fairness to all non-white, non US citizens who want to invade the United States. Furthermore, it will increase denigration and persecution of whites based on their race, and promote critical race theory in all institutions. It…
The Rape USA Act Passed Congress Yesterday
Treasonous cowards. They voted this through right after the election. The USA is dead. They might was well have crop dusters spraying fentanyl across the United States to kill off the native population. Evil pieces of shit.
Hedges and Taibbi
I take in a range of stuff. Today I listened to the Wednesday TDS podcast which as usual was filled with many minutes of garbage, interspersed however with insightful commentary by Mike. Now I’m watching this somewhat epic interview between Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi: Here’s an excerpt from a salient part: Hedges: If you…