Category: Uncategorized
24 hours ago I thought I would have to drop my courses
24 hours ago things were so fucked up, I was so sick, toxed out, and tired that I thought I would have to drop both my online courses. Now I’m back to getting A’s. Retardedness creates retardedness. Being around retardedness makes you retarded. Retardedness spreads like a disease. In this fucked up society having a…
Retardedness keeps everything retarded
Retarded people keep other people retarded. Being around retardedness makes people retarded. Retardedness keeps everything retarded. This is what society chooses. This is what America chooses. It doesn’t choose brahmanic cultivation. It doesn’t choose evolution. It chooses retardedness. There’s too much profit involved in retardedness for it to change. Retardedness is the overriding agenda, because…
units. Indispensible tool. Very, very useful! $ units Currency exchange rates from on 2016-06-21 2926 units, 109 prefixes, 88 nonlinear units You have: floz(2) You want: ml * 59.147059 / 0.016907011 Yes, 2 fluid ounces is 60 milliliters.
Brahmanic energy can save the Earth
There are some people who want to live like savages. They are not evil per se, but they are not stewards of planet Earth. They are not the same as people who attain advanced brahmanic states. Some cultures have tended towards more and more brahmanic cultivation. Some cultures are stuck. They make advances but then…
“…not to be celebrated in the presence of common people…”
The late 13th-century theorist Johannes de Grocheo believed that the motet was “not to be celebrated in the presence of common people, because they do not notice its subtlety, nor are they delighted in hearing it, but in the presence of the educated and of those who are seeking out subtleties in the arts.”…