Category: Uncategorized

  • Potatoes are from the Americas… not?

    Exciting new research by a professor of paleobotany at Indiana University Bloomington suggests that the morning glory family has its origin not in the Americas but in eastern Gondwana and at a time much earlier than previously thought. One thing that’s interesting about this is that South America was part of Gondwana also, but it…

  • Our Number System Should Be Based on 12, not 10

    A 12-based number system is vastly superior to the crappy 10-based one that is in current use. Humanity really needs to switch. The 12-based number system is sometimes called duodecimal but that’s a bad name. Because it’s basically still referring to the 10-based number system in its name. Instead the proper name for it is…

  • Please support Richie Greenberg for mayor of San Francisco

    Please support Richie. Richie is really amazing. What a major turnaround for San Francisco it would be if he becomes mayor! Richie Greenberg! Richie Greenberg! Richie Greenberg!

  • All people should have tracking chips implanted into their bodies

    All people should have tracking chips implanted into their bodies. Everything in society should be monitored and controlled by artificial intelligence systems. For example today I found two more electric rental scooters that appeared to have been deliberately damaged. This makes the count of damaged and stolen electric scooters unbelievably high. All I see across…

  • Knowing how to swim

    Knowing how to swim is not just about knowing how to float, wade, and use different strokes; it’s also about knowing how to handle oneself in water. If you get pulled into a current don’t fight it and don’t panic. First instinct (wrong) is to panic and over exert. Instead relax, flow with the current,…

  • How to save water with laundry

    As an active person who bicycles and is into fitness, I know what it’s like to go out and come home with sweaty clothes. One wants to be active, fit, and healthy but having to launder garments all the time is a drag. I also wash almost all of my clothes by hand so this…

  • We need AI to replace politicians

    Start watching at the 1’10” mark in this video. These are elected officials openly supporting violent felons. A woman lost her life in their city from a violent felon and one mayoral candidate is proposing to amend (actually to restore) the law to exclude violent felons.

  • Recycling is failing in America

    Recycling, Once Embraced by Businesses and Environmentalists, Now Under Siege I once took a job at a company in downtown San Francisco. One factor that swayed me in favor of taking the job – when I went to interview at the company – were the recycling bins in their kitchen area. I felt glad to…

  • “Fighting Inequality Through PowerBall”

    Affordable Housing: Fighting Inequality Through PowerBall It should be called “DisempowermentBall” Every election cycle now one sees initiatives, bonds, etc. for “affordable housing”. The government is in the business of providing affordable housing. They can’t promise enough of it. And we see how well the previous affordable housing initiatives have worked out for society. We…