Category: Uncategorized

  • You know the people calling us Nazis… ?

    The people cramming multiculturalism down our throats or else? Here’s where they live:   When do you think the last time was any of these pieces of shit rode their bicycles through downtown San Francisco?

  • The Catastrophic Failure of the West

    If some epidemic had occurred which wiped out an entire race of people, or else dramatically reduced the size of its population by tens or hundreds of millions, it would be universally recognized as a terrible, devastating event of catastrophic proportions. Yet something has occurred to the West, to European peoples across the world, which…

  • The cancer of the United States

    I don’t think this map is entirely accurate. There are counties in California which are majority Chinese that do not show. The catastrophe for California is that the green is completely nullifying the orange. It has reached the point that the orange have permanently lost their voice due to planned demographic replacement. Fucking evil.

  • The “Sanctuary” State on Fire

    So many public officials obsessed with making California a “sanctuary”, not for United States citizens but for cheaters and scammers who broke the law. And I seriously wonder: Would all these horrific fires have occurred if the state hadn’t been flooded with 20 million illegals over the past decade? Right now there is a struggle…

  • America is being lost

    This map shows a disaster happening in the United States. Meanwhile, tech companies in Silicon Valley are being sued for discriminating against American citizens in favor of less-talented Indians – and this story, which should be a headline, is blocked out of lying mainstream media. <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture”…

  • Berkeley is fucked up

    So I am reading with horror about this shit going on with students at UC Berkeley: UC Berkeley campus senator abstains from a vote. Now students want her out. From the article: “A student senator at UC Berkeley abstained from a vote supporting transgender rights last week, then took a moment to explain her…

  • The biggest threat in America

    Assistant principal of school brutally assaulted by group of black students Man, teen brutally beaten while trick-or-treating The biggest threat in America is white men, according to CNN and the SPLC: Not the thousands of crimes committed in vastly disproportionately huge numbers by blacks: the thefts, the break-ins, the assaults, and the homicides. No, you’re…

  • More sickening new from the disaster zone that is the UK

    In Islamised UK town diversity has completely disappeared as almost all inhabitants are Muslim “Only 48 of the 4,033 people living in Savile Town are white, native British.” “…pubs were closed and other Western shops with groceries had to close as well. In the meantime a mosque was built for around 4,000 worshippers and the…

  • Fake Bombs

    All of the “bombs” have been fake. But the media keeps reporting about “explosive devices” and “bombs” (without the word “fake”). Yes, I believe these sick, demonic fuckers are that evil that desperate that they would do something like this to garner sympathy before the election. That is what Harvey Milk did and other Democrats…