Category: Uncategorized

  • Marketing Strategy

    Imagine thinking that you need a marketing strategy for your web site.

  • Thank you WordPress, BytesForAll

    For years has been running with WordPress and the Atahualpa theme by BytesForAll. Now that I’ve actually studied web development I see how this site can be radically improved. When I first set this site up I did the best I could at the time. WordPress and Atahualpa have been great. They allowed me…

  • *Not* having a wall is a fucking joke

    Well over a HALF MILLION attempted illegal border crossings occur EVERY YEAR. Not having a border wall is a fucking farce, a sick joke, perpetrated by people who hate America and hate Americans, every one of whom needs to be arrested and jailed for a long time. At every opportunity these fuckers have used their…

  • High speed rail?

    I guess when you’re on skid row in L.A. and you need a fix of Fruit Snacks, smack, and maybe a roll of duct tape for good measure you can jump on the high speed express to S.F. And no worries if you want to skip the fare! What’s the point of going at high…

  • 600,000 illegal crossings at southern border per year

    There are over 600,000 illegal border crossings per year at the United States southern border. It is obvious the oligarchy gets rich from our cities being flooded with migrants. They get cheap labor. Real estate rates skyrocket. It is like a hit of crack for the economy. Meanwhile communities turn to shit. Roadways are more…

  • State of the Union

    Scums Pelosi and Harris and others are bringing a laundry list of people to the SOTU as though trying to make some kind of statement. President Trump needs to make it clear in the SOTU that Pelosi and Harris are responsible for the shutdown and that their actions are equivalent to blackmail of the American…

  • Wanna See the Snow on the Peaks?

    So the big news story of today is that there may be snow today on some of the higher peaks around the Bay Area. On some news segments they’ve interviewed people who drove up to some peaks to see snow. But don’t waste fossil fuels to see snow. It just doesn’t seem right. Instead you…

  • Late-term abortions, Government shutdown

    In the news the past week has been information about some states that are implementing late-term abortions. I didn’t really look into this very much but what I briefly saw mentioned that it had to do with fetuses with birth defects. I fully support the right of parents to abort a fetus even if it…

  • Configuring Trackpoint and Touchpad for Linux on a Thinkpad T550

    Here is information for configuring the Trackpoint and Touchpad of a Thinkpad T550 in Linux. List of input devices: $ xinput list ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)] ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ Synaptics TM3053-003 id=12 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint id=13 [slave…