Category: Uncategorized

  • was attacked! But we are back 🙂

    A couple nights ago one of our editors experienced technical issues while attempting to create a post on Subsequent investigation revealed that there were malware files on Even after removing malware files multiple times they continued to appear on the site.  The malware attacks occur from specific attack URLs aimed at the site…

  • “Merciful, Noble-Minded Servant of God, Blessed by God, King Uthal”

    Ye the pedestrians and merchants who pass through the road of which my power extends I swear to God that I will guarantee the safety of your passage. Come to Hatra and work hard as traders. – King Uthal of Hatra The title of this post is from an inscription in Aramaic at the base…

  • This is major. Watch this.

    ‘The Ingraham Angle’ investigates Bambi Larson’s murder and the problem with sanctuary cities

  • Yancheng Chemical Plant

    My heart goes out to all those affected by the terrible disaster at the Yancheng chemical plant. Many U.S. citizens may think that such a disaster has nothing to do with us, but to me that is a selfish and narrow view. So many of the products Americans use are made in China, and precursor…

  • A tour of Europe and the future of the U.S.A.

    Sometimes out of curiosity I like to go into the street view of Google Maps and then “drive” around. Basically follow a street and look around at the scenery along a route. Yesterday I was looking at a village in Sicily. The village was very pretty. I like the way it was laid out –…

  • These fuckers keep raising taxes. $9 to cross a bridge!

    Golden Gate Bridge District Approves Proposed Toll Hike $9 to drive across a damn bridge? These motherfuckers are unhinged. This has to be stopped. If they are incapable of running a damn bridge under a reasonable budget then the agency must be abolished. It’s time to start over.

  • Why wearing a Muslim veil is wrong

    People make an error when they think that wearing a Muslim veil is anything other than an expression of misogyny. People are not unaccustomed to the concept of religious garb. Traditionally in the west such garb was known through the vestments of priests and religious clergy and also the vestments and robes of monks and…

  • Israel is rotten

    “#Israel hoped that destabilising #Syria by supporting ALQaeda & #ISIS would help legitimise their annexation of the #GolanHeights. The Golan has a lot of water, but they discovered it also has oil. A company called #GenieEnergy was set up to drill it, guess who’s on the board?” BBC: Trump: Time to recognise Golan Heights as…

  • Emigrating

    Starting to read up on what is required to be able to emigrate to different European countries based on one’s ancestry. One key issue is whether when your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. they were naturalized, in which case their citizenship from their former country would have been given up. Given the way things are…