Category: Uncategorized

  • I hand wash almost all of my clothes

    I do not own nor have ever owned a washing machine. I hand wash almost all of my clothes, except occasionally for underwear which I will take to wash-and-fold service. All of my tops and pants and skirts are washed by hand by me. I do not take them to wash-and-fold because these items are…

  • Dare to do something different

    Use Firefox web browser Install uBlock Origin addon Enable DNS over HTTPS and Encrypted SNI in Firefox Be sure to follow the instruction in the comment to configure the trr.bootstrapAddress setting. I set mine to In Firefox open uBlock Origin addon’s settings. Go to the My Filters tab and add the following entries at…

  • Fireworks in Not America

    I stopped going to see fireworks. The ones in my city were filled with stoned/high/drunk hooligan “dreamer” types cursing and acting belligerent – very unpleasant. So I would drive to another town not far away to see them – but it doesn’t even look like America. You are in throngs of non-white people – it’s…

  • The Flower Cut Off

    We, white European people, should be experiencing the greatest flowering of our culture and our people than ever before. Instead we are on the verge of death. We were going through a dark time – emerging from the 60s and we hadn’t yet woken up. We were still going through growing pains. Our culture hadn’t…

  • The Open Borders Thing that No One Would Have Voted For

    Probably in 2014 the most powerful people in the world met at Davos as they do yearly. Someone said “Let’s get rid of borders” and everyone there agreed: Blankfelstein or whatever his name is, the head of Goldman Sachs, the EU head, US President, people who own and control magazines, newspapers, television, a movie studios.…

  • We are slaves

    Yes it is a bad thing you rotten scumfucking piece of shit. We are slaves. We are prisoners of a global oligarchy which is indifferent to our welfare and death. Its interest is to induce hypercompetition to breed more efficient slaves to work on its plantations. As this occurs, what is most great and profound…

  • So I’m going to write about this – Chinese exhibition

    Not long ago I visited a Chinese-American historical museum and after that visit many thoughts ran through my head. I’ve decided to write them down. I have to say that visiting the museum was partly interesting – it was interesting to see vintage clothing that was worn by Chinese migrants, vintage opium pipes that they…

  • The biggest news story of the century

    Google has been caught red-handed engaging in deliberate social programming and political manipulation. Its “ML Fairness” – which stands for “machine-learning fairness” – is a system which deliberately skews news articles displayed on Google News and search results from the Google search engine from what they naturally would be. The video contains shocking examples –…

  • Destroying the border of a country

    Destroying the border of a country is an act of malice and hatred against it’s people. Flooding a country – flooding it’s cities, it’s communities, it’s neighborhoods – with vast numbers of foreigners is an act of malice against those cities, communities, and neighborhoods. The government of the United States is a hate organization and…