Category: Uncategorized
Look at this creature
Without knowing anything else, look at this creature. Does this creature look like a realized being? Does this creature look like they have mastered success at the basic physical and spiritual planes of existence? Does this creature have a shining, healthy, glowing aura that exudes attainment, wisdom, and love? Or does this creature look like…
Not enforcing the law when people enter the country illegally is the same as not having a border
Not enforcing the law when people enter the country illegally is the same as not having a border. AOC said a few days ago that people have a legal right to seek asylum in the United States. But do they have a right to engage in asylum scamming? It’s not uncommon knowledge that the majority…
Watching “Climate Change: The Facts”
Watching a new BBC documentary narrated by David Attenborough called “Climate Change: The Facts” After watching only the first couple minutes I’m in shock. We are living in societies now which can be summed up with one phrase: “More coloreds good.” If you had to sum up the essence of pretty much every Western country…
Time to Kick the Traitorous Companies out of the USA
Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Google, and there are many others as well. These companies are traitors against the United States. They are high tech plantations which censor free speech, undermine democracy, conspire to alter elections, buy off our politicians, and import millions of foreigners on American soil. Allowing these companies to operate on American soil is…
Child Abuse
Story in the news that a 9 year old “transgender” child was not allowed to attend a summer camp. Transgender boy, 9, is turned away from summer camp for foster children because they claimed they had ‘no specialized staff to look after him’ How can a 9 year old child be transgender??? The only way…
Congress just massively fucked over US tech workers
The House has just passed the horrible HR1044 which would result in enormous numbers of Indians flooding the US tech industry. It is a monumental fuckover of the citizens of the United States. And while the bill was overwhelmingly supported by Democrats, 140 Republicans voted for it. The United States is a slave plantation –…
Never Let Anyone Enter a Gate or Locked Entrance
Someone has never heard of 13/50. Should one expect people who present “news” to be aware of basic facts of levels of black violence plaguing the United States? Apparently not. Because it fucks up the narrative that they want to push – even at the cost of blood spilled due to lack of appropriate vigilance.…