Category: Uncategorized
Gavin doesn’t give a shit
There’s a video that’s been cycling online made by a woman who owned a salon in downtown Sacramento which she has closed due to horrific problems: People shitting and using drugs in front of the businesses, homeless people camping and blocking the sidewalk in front, used needles, etc. She describes how she had to daily…
Lie. Lie. Lie. Treason. Treason. Treason. Spend. Spend. Spend.
On the local CBS ‘Matier in the Morning’ episode Matier interviews the director of the Bay Area Transportation Agency (BART) which has descended – along with the rest of the Bay Area – to appalling disarray, chaos, open drug using, vagrancy, crime, fare evasion, etc. etc. Matier sits there grilling the director about each issue…
Media “Hiding the Facts” on Ongoing Immigration Crisis
I put “hiding the facts” in quotes because it’s a euphemism for “lying”. Let’s get straight with what the fuck the media is doing: It’s lying. It’s deliberately failing to report extremely important facts essential to the issue of immigration. It is deliberately trying to manipulate public opinion. Media is the enemy of the American…
Invading a country, destroying its borders, flooding it with millions of foreigners is an act of hatred. No matter what anyone says white people have a right to exist. White people have a right to exist sustainably in their cultural centers, free from invasion and replacement. White people have a right to advocate for their…
Funny how this makes international headline news
It’s funny how this makes international headline news: Emmett Till: US students suspended for ‘unacceptable’ photo by memorial But this doesn’t: No. This attack wasn’t a hate crime. It wasn’t racially motivated at all. The victim wasn’t targeted because he was white. It’s almost like there’s an agenda or something. No, there couldn’t be an…
Fuck You Samsung
This is what one has to do to change a battery in a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 phone. It should not even be legal to sell a device like this. Fuck you Samsung and fuck you US regulators for even allowing this to be sold in the United States. Best Android phones with a removable…
Google manipulates elections on a massive scale
“I believe in democracy… more than I have any kind of allegiance to… a party” “In 2020 you can bet that these companies are going to go all out and the methods that they’re using are invisible, they’re subliminal, they’re more powerful than most any effects I’ve ever seen in the behaviors sciences and I’ve…
Am loving this deodorant!
Several days ago I got this deodorant at the health food store. I have been finding that some deodorants sold at the natural foods store unfortunately do not hold up well for an active person like me. However this new deodorant by Schmidt’s is excellent! Also, the citrus scent is so refreshing! One tip for…
Ghost Ship Fire: The City Bears the Most Responsibility
The city bears most of the responsibility for the 36 deaths. It is the city’s responsibility to inspect. Given the fact that Oakland is known for these types of warehouses the city should have been all the more proactive about safety and health inspections. Yes the operators/managers were sleazy, but that’s how cities are: There…