Category: Uncategorized
A serious country vs. a silly country
Great post at Why Are Americans The Fools Of The World On Immigration? The United States is a fucking immigration joke. It not only doesn’t stop people from coming in, it gives them free shit at taxpayer expense. I’ve been reading lately about slavery in medieval Europe and I honestly believe that the evil…
The United States has Descended into a Third World Pit
The United States has descended into an appalling third-world trash pit. It needs to be cleaned up before it’s too late. The U.S. Congress is at the core of corruption and should be disbanded or rendered completely irrelevant. Mainstream media is nothing more than a vast propaganda establishment and extensive black PR operations are being…
How I keep tech notes using plain text files and Vim
I use a terse form of English that is easily understandable to non-native speakers and to myself. I avoid tenses and try to keep the voice passive. This terse form of English is much easier to parse and less taxing on brain resources when accessing information. Here’s example text from a tutorial on a…
What’s really going on with Ukraine
Listen at 39’45” for excellent insight into the reality behind what’s going on with Ukraine – basically it’s the United States getting caught up in scrapping between corrupt Jews. Donald Trump has tried to cut this corruption off and is being attacked for it. Once again the United States is paying the price for getting…
Legally-sanctioned conquest of the United States by non-whites
What is occurring now in the United States is a legally-sanctioned conquest of the country by non-whites. Whites are not permitted to speak about the conquest. They are not permitted to oppose the conquest. Any white who does not support the conquest of the United States is deemed a hateful nazi racist white supremacist. Places…