Category: Uncategorized
This is What an Invasion Looks Like
The United States is no longer a country. It’s a farce. Below is a list of some of the recruiters I received e-mail from over the past couple months after the grave mistake of posting my resume on online job boards (some senders are not listed here because I immediately deleted the mails out of…
You Have No Right To an Identity
Thank you Jared Taylor at American Renaissance for another excellent presentation!
Biden Crime Family Corruption Laid Bare
This presentation was blacked out by NBC, ABC, and CBS. President Trump is being impeached for pursuing investigations against the corrupt Biden crime family. This shows that much of the U.S. Congress is corrupt and part of a criminal oligarchy. Also remember that there were no repercussions at all for the extensive investigation of Trump…
What blows my mind about this ‘pro life’ stuff
What blows my mind about this ‘pro life’ stuff is that people have abortions because they are already fucked over and pushed to the margins and can’t afford to have a decent life and to support having a child. Not to mention shitty role models rampant in the diseased mainstream culture. People are already imprisoned…
Please Donate to Support the EFF’s Effort to Encrypt the Internet
Please donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s efforts to encrypt the entire Internet and to provide free tools to enable web administrators to enable encryption on their servers. This is only one albeit highly essential prong of online freedom. Another is secure DNS that cannot be pried upon by Internet providers.