Category: Uncategorized
Something To Think About
It is entirely possible that the corona virus is actually responsible for a net positive effect on the health of the population. Covid-19, as nasty as it’s claimed to be, might actually be responsible for improving overall health on Earth than it is harming it. The clean air. The significant lack of pollution such as…
Hypocrisy Pelosi, touring San Fran’s Chinatown Feb. 24: “We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are … come join us” — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 29, 2020 WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February Back in late February, 4…
End mandatory social-distancing at essential businesses and require masks
There is no proof that mandatory social-distancing at essential businesses results in a significantly different outcome over requiring the wearing of masks and washing hands. In exchange for mandatory social-distancing we get people hoarding which causes items to not be in supply, we get people stressed, and we get people needing to visit stores more…
The largest ongoing, rolling identity theft operation in the history of the world
Great article from RedState: Google’s Business Model – Is Theft Google is a monstrous Big Tech behemoth (Market Cap: $827 billion). And they got to their obscene hugeness – almost solely by stealing from us. Founded in 1998, Google was one of the first companies on the planet to figure out the Coin of the…
Dear Government
Thanks for cutting off my income and letting me die. The white plastic wrapping over all the information stations around the Golden Gate is really neat.
The Hypocrisy is Astounding and Alarming
So I was near the Golden Gate and they have this small model of what the bottom of the bay looks like and… it is covered in plastic with the words “Do not touch” written on it. Yes, the federal government is apparently so concerned about my welfare that they spent how much money on…
The Government of the United Kingdom is a Human Rights Atrocity Against Whites
More hot takes from Gab:
One day I hope…
…scientists drilling cores in Antarctica will obtain viable Glossopteris spores and the ancient species will be revived. I would like to walk through a mall one day and see Glossopteris growing along with the Ficus, Epipremnums, and Sansevierias. 90-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Rainforest Discovered in Antarctica