Category: Uncategorized

  • While the rest of the country

    While the rest of the country is required to wear face masks Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, stands in Congress in front of the American people wiping snot from her unmasked face onto the podium. You can’t make this shit up.

  • Install MediaMonkey on Linux using Wine

    Intro These are notes about installing MediaMonkey on Linux. This information should be valid for Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Linux Mint, and other distributions. Some of this information is from MediaMonkey’s wiki page Linux, Wine & MediaMonkey which is now rather outdated. Make sure wine, winetricks, and winbind are installed sudo apt install wine winetricks…

  • I participate in politics

    I participate in politics. This website is an engagement in political and social matters. I write about my views, insights, opinions, and observations. This site does not affect my personal relations with people in my employment, in my community, nor in any social organizations in which I participate. I am not afraid to express myself.…

  • Today is April 22

    Today is April 22, 2020, the government-mandated shutdown has been in place for a long time, and I’ve received exactly piss compensation. Nihil. Not even communication, other than saying I have $0.00 benefits which it has now said for over a month. Web companies are banning people from advocating self-empowerment in terms of using natural…

  • It’s really interesting to live through a time

    when your government is trying to kill you. Way to go, United States of America. Way to go, San Francisco. Make sure the drug addicts get their free needles. Make sure the criminals go free. Eat your ice cream Pelosi.

  • I almost called 911 on a buoy

    Biking across the bridge in the late afternoon at a time when the winds are kicking up – actually they are often like that all the time – and I look down in the water and see what looked like a small sailboat with a red sail. Given the intensity of the wind and the…

  • Commentators

    I try to find commentators on political affairs who I like to listen to. However it is not easy. There have been times when commentators have really had great insight into things, however there are a lot of times when it seems all they are doing is sitting in their armchairs continually bitching, bitching, bitching.…

  • They Don’t Give a God Damn Fuck

    Am studying some very complex computer science subjects right now and the level of detail is astounding. The level of complexity must be equal to or even greater than in areas of medicine. Some of it is extremely complex. Here I am studying this – as for the past years I’ve devoted myself to studying…

  • Your Immune System Means Nothing

    Coronavirus Update: Stanford Study Suggests COVID-19 Infections Much More Widespread Than Reported Your immune system means nothing. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is irrelevant. We’re going to cut your access to healthy foods. Keep being afraid, and wait for Big Medicine to come to your rescue.

  • Hey San Francisco

    Once it’s unequivocally, scientifically proven that the shutdown has been responsible for saving human and other organisms’ lives on Earth – far more than the actual disease – and potentially responsible for saving Earth from almost near-certain ecological and environmental collapse, are you still going to pull out all the authoritarian stops to maintain a…