Category: Uncategorized

  • 想望

    Was watching part of this drama again and this piece from the soundtrack is so captivating. Here are some more pieces in the same vein: Highlights and Notes: This performance of Bach’s Matthäus-Passion is beautiful. The setting is a beautiful church with excellent acoustics, not too large nor too small. Regarding the tempo of baroque…

  • Social Credit and What Underlies the Green Hoax

    As I was on the trail ascending the other day I started thinking about the hypocrisy of the whole social credit thing. Only it’s not just hypocrisy, it’s actual evil. Social credit has been discussed lately. China has implemented a social credit system that essentially penalizes people who are not obedient, compliant, and complicit and…

  • China Bashing is a New Low Point

    Instead of punishing the traitorous Americans who moved millions of American jobs to China over the course of decades, instead of punishing the traitorous Americans who let in Chinese en masse into the United States, now they are going after China. Well that’s fucked up. There may be serious issues with respect to China –…

  • If you can’t bike, run, or walk to work

    If you can’t bike, run, or walk to work you shouldn’t be working there. University Study Says SF Commute Traffic Could Be Nation’s Hardest-Hit When Lockdown Eases

  • The “dignity” of human shit in front of your businesses

    San Francisco releases Tenderloin Neighborhood Safety Assessment and Plan for COVID-19 This document mentions the word “dignity” multiple times. What is dignity? The “dignity” of human shit in front of your business? The “dignity” of tents with homeless illegals drug addicts fucking inside a tent on the sidewalk in front of your business? The “dignity”…

  • It will never be this blue again

    Without the layer of smog which is usually hovering over the horizon the blue is so beautiful and precious. What is worth destroying this beauty over? What? And what destroys this blue? Swarms of illegals flooding into the country destroys the blue. Swarms of foreign labor and immigrants from third-world shitholes destroys the blue. Literally…

  • Watch the Documentary about the Green Energy Farce Before it is Censored

    The only reason we’ve been force-fed the story [that] ‘climate change + renwables = we’re saved’ is because billionaires, bankers, and corporations profit from it. And the reason we’re not talking about overpopulation, consumption, and the suicide of economic growth is [because] that would be bad for business, especially the cancerous form of capitalism that…

  • Do ya think? Bloomberg OpEd: Immigration Advocates Have Lost the National Debate, for Now Advocates for greater immigration have to quit their plans to further expand immigration and focus on defending their gains from the last 30 years, says Noah Smith, a globalist advocate at Bloomberg News. “We pro-immigration people lost, thanks to external events, the rabid…

  • Upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal” – following official documentation

    It’s sad to see so many websites that basically just rip off the information from Ubuntu’s website to make their own posts about upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04 (codenamed “Focal”), as if they have something important or unique to add, which they don’t. I think they’re just grubbing for money. Another page for ad revenue. I…