Category: Uncategorized

  • Wildfires

    My heart goes out to everyone affected by the wildfires. While they are a natural part of the ecological process they are still heartbreaking to experience. I try to take comfort in thinking that fires are a healthy part of nature, but it doesn’t really help. But that is what I’m meditating on. Over many…

  • How to train to be an expert in brahmanic cultivation

    I’ve written multiple times in the past about brahmanic cultivation. Brahmanic cultivation is the most important thing for the individual, for society, and for Earth itself. People look out at the world and come up with all sorts of different diagnoses about what is wrong. Based on what they see they arrive at different insights…

  • It’s sick

    It’s sick how they have to tie green politics to infinite pajeet invasion/replacement. Just as fake as the Sierra Club. Same BS.

  • Human Rights Violation

    The human rights violations continue. As a white person, it is a human rights violation to even have to see videos like this, new ones of which come out every week. It is a human rights violation to even know that this is happening in one’s own country. It is a human rights violation for…

  • “Jewish Fragility”

    Someone took a portion of the book “White Fragility” which is an attack against whites and substituted “Jew” for “White”. Here is the thing: Imagine if this book had actually been written this way, what the reaction would have been. It would have been immediately, vociferously, and ubiquitously condemned as anti-semitic.

  • “Racist Ringleader, Nicholas Sandmann, Dead at 17.”

    Ok, this is still falling for the bait IMHO, but I’m posting a link to it here. Remember, they want us all occupied with this shit while they’re busy importing tens of millions of foreigners to replace our jobs, steal our education, and create astronomically-high rents and real-estate prices in all major US cities. This…

  • The ACLU is a hostile entity

    It cannot be more clear that the ACLU is a hostile entity against the United States. It engages in lawfare and blackmail to subvert, harm, and destroy the United States. The ACLU should be declared a hostile foreign entity, it’s assets seized, and its leaders thrown in prison for long sentences. These are just a…

  • Interesting article on the “Jew wave” in US movies Jewish Themes in The Graduate (1967) The one question that arises is why did this one particular group, which comprises such a small portion of the US population – around 2% – come to essentially take over and dominate American moves (and television and in fact all mass media)? Why is it that main…

  • They Do Not Belong

    They do not belong in Western Society. They are not adapted nor capable of living in it in a wholesome way. There will never be a time when there is no problem, no tension, no disruption, and no harm and damage caused by them. There will never be “equality” because equality is a lie. There…