Category: Uncategorized
America the Pathetic Shitshow
FEVERISHLY LOOTING IN PHILLY — The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) October 28, 2020 Chaos continues at the Walmart on Aramingo. — Drew Smith (@drewsmithtv) October 28, 2020 Similar happening in multiple cities. Censored from Main Stream media. This censorship is a hostile overthrow of the sovereignty of the United States. It is a coup d’etat. And…
There is a Coup D’Etat Underway in the United States
Mass rioting and looting in Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and New York City and not one mention in any of the local news outlets. This is a coup d’etat. Big crowd gathering at Malcolm X park in West Philly this evening following Monday’s police-involved shooting/death of Walter Wallace Jr. — Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) October 27,…
Just a little reminder…
This is just a little reminder that things are fucked on a scale vastly beyond what you think or imagine. Society is fucked up and destructive beyond what you think and the devastation being caused to Earth by ignorance and greed is immense and inexcusable. And it could be different. But it won’t be. The…
The Chinese Have Videos of His Kid Smoking Crack and Having Sex
The Chinese have videos of his kid smoking crack and having sex. His kid’s and brother’s companies gets multi-million-dollar, privileged business deals in multiple countries at the same time he’s appointed the “point man” in those countries by then President Obama. Now he’s running for the office of President of the United States of America…
Elect the US President by Congressional District
Elect the US President by congressional district. This election shit dragging out for so long. It, along with so much other political shit, is so distracting. It’s fucking up my ability to concentrate and get work done. I have so many pages open on scandals, scams, corruption, lies, dirty deals, etc. None of this is…
Very Similar To All the Rape, Pedophilia, and Sex Abuse
This coup d’etat and high treason against the Untied States of America is similar in a way to the rape, pedophilia, and sex abuse scandals of recent years. In those cases, the violation and abuse was rampant. When a few people did speak out they were usually met with opposition or dismissal. The public did…
Biden Is Not Just Corrupt, He is a Traitor
Biden and his associates have literally fucked over the United States while helping China’s military and global hegemonic ambitions. They profited off of selling prime real estate in US cities from the West to the East coast. Just as it was in the news that Joe Biden and associates were engaged in negotiations with China…
An Incompetent Crack Head Who Couldn’t Get a Job as a Janitor Gets $3.5 Million from a Russian…
An incompetent crack-smoking fuckup who literally could not get a job as a janitor, got $3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow… Got appointed to the board of a Ukrainian energy company and paid a salary of $85k per month. Got a contract for his company with China worth $ tens of…
So sick of tech articles written by pajeets
I’m so fucking sick of searching for information online and finding a tech article that’s written by a pajeet. It’s not just that the English is shitty and full of errors, there are almost always logical and other errors. I was just reading about Javascript and Nodejs and found this article by a “karencartar08”. It…