A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Laissez-faire vs. fascist

    Laissez faire, telle devrait être la devise de toute puissance publique, depuis que le monde est civilisé … Détestable principe que celui de ne vouloir grandir que par l’abaissement de nos voisins! Il n’y a que la méchanceté et la malignité du coeur de satisfaites dans ce principe, et l’intérêt y est opposé. Laissez faire,…

  • Humans split from chimps 8 MYA not 6 MYA

    A new paper has come out which announces the finding by a team of paleoanthropolgists who studied the age of sediments surrounding fossils of the common ancestors between humans, chimps, and apes. The date at which humans split from chimps has been pushed back by 2 million years to 8 million years ago. The date…

  • Ecotopia got invaded

    I was just reading this Wikipedia page about the book The Nine Nations of North America. It describes the different regions and one of them is called Ecotopia: Ecotopia — the Pacific Northwest coast west of the Cascade Range and the Coast Mountains, as well as several Alaskan Pacific Coast Ranges, stretching from Alaska down…

  • Shigeki-niisan was staring at the sky

    Shigeki-niisan [brother Shigeki] was staring at the sky. Whether he was thinking about his flights or just staring at the sky I didn’t know. If he took things slowly; if he just took his time I thought that someday his wounds would heal. The airplane factory my father had been working at had officially closed…

  • If you work with PDF documents often you should read this

    PDF documents are so common that its actually difficult to imagine any student or professional today not using them extensively. PDF documents fill a special and important niche in the electronic data revolution. To a very large extent they have (thankfully) replaced bulky (and often ridiculously expensive) textbooks. Now you can have a library of…

  • My prayers go with the people of Tainan

    I just heard the news about the earthquake which struck in Tainan. I feel a special affinity for Taiwan, which is very closely connected with Silicon Valley. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines – and Hong Kong also – all have a special affinity with California and its people and I think we should stick…

  • The #1 Thing to Save Yahoo

    Change the name. I don’t know if this is something that has been seriously taken into consideration, whether there have been high-level meetings about this, strategic planning and projections. But, the name has to be changed. It has to be something that is more business-like. Something that is non-agitating. Like the word blue. Or the…

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