A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Appreciating the sacrifices of others

    My father worked in steel mills, in addition to his own business which he ran for many years. Later on he worked (again) in the automotive parts industry, making components for engines that are used in vehicles throughout the world. I was really saddened and shocked when my mother recently told me that she had…

  • Great article at RCP about US government failures

    realclearpolitics.com: Thank Pampered Political Class for 2016’s Angry Electorate FTA: There was the moment in 2008 when Congress bailed out the financial industry, followed by the moment in 2014 when it passed the cromnibus bill that allowed those same institutions to make risky bets again inside their government-insured institutions. Such a double standard is called…

  • $100 billion stolen by 17,000 corrupt Chinese (now living in your community)

    Between the mid 1990’s and 2008 17,000 corrupt Chinese government officials fled the country with over $100 billion. Now living in owning your community. Most came to the United States. Want to know who owns the real estate in your town? Want to know why educational opportunities aren’t available for you or your kids? Want…

  • “US now in the lead as a tax cheat heaven for world’s rich and powerful”

    Article in today’s South China Morning Post: Who needs Switzerland or the Panama Papers? US now in the lead as a tax cheat heaven for world’s rich and powerful The United States is emerging as a top tax haven alongside the likes of Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and Panama, those seeking reform of the international…

  • Saddam Hussein for President

    If Saddam Hussein was still the leader of Iraq there would not have been millions of deaths, millions of children orphaned, and wives widowed. The country of Iraq would not be a disaster. Nor would many other places. Saddam Hussein was like a king, and under their king, the people of Iraq had stability and…

  • Tax Evasion

    So the Panama Papers, the largest leak in history, are out. I did a search and even in my city there are many, many addresses. You click on the address and it takes you to another page where you see the fake offshore companies created by or for these people to evade taxes. It is…

  • Come on you guys, use Dart!

    I was reading through a forum on the recent lawsuit between Oracle and Google over the Java language, which makes me sad. On the forum there were some posts discussing alternates to Java. One language that came up which looked interesting is Dart. It turns out that Dart is a really cool language. But then,…

  • One approach to overpopulation

    With intelligent and strong leadership things can change dramatically in just a few generations. The human population can be reduced. Cities will become more livable. Greenhouse gas emissions will be markedly reduced. Crime will reduce dramatically. Existing resources can be utilized much more wisely instead of being wasted on remedial, punitive, and protective measures. People…

  • The Plague

    Mexicans who come to America and then modify the exhaust systems of their vehicles to deliberately emit loud noise are a plague on our communities. All of them and their children should be immediately deported. Anyone who claims that it is humane to support a plague is insane. The same thing goes for all people…

  • I feel heartbroken

    telegraph.co.uk: Microsoft deletes ‘teen girl’ AI after it became a Hitler-loving sex robot within 24 hours I know the immediate response when reading this might be to laugh. But actually this story makes me feel sad. Microsoft created Tay with I’m sure the best intentions, and its really saddening the way it turned out. I’m…

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