Sad boo-boos, blood & death

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People prioritize their business interests. Politicians are always looking towards gentrifying places to up the real estate values for their buddies.

There’s an active campaign to vilify bicycling in the United States. Just like when one turns on a TV and sees idiotic shows where the hosts are vilifying some poor person who made the grave mistake of being recognized or receiving attention, schadenfreude, the delight in seeing others suffer is having a field day in the US like no other time.

It reminds me of the days of old Rome when there were other groups that were vilified for purposes of entertainment.

Here’s a zoom in. Those little red pushpin-thingies with the black dots in the center are “hotspots” and represent areas of multiple boo boos, blood, and yes definitely death.

People come to San Francisco to fulfill dreams and find love, not to end up scarred, disfigured, permanently disabled, or dead.

But that’s not the agenda which drives politics. Yet the politicians are all happy and smiling. They’re always out there scoring their brownie points for “humanitarianism”, “community”, and blah blah blah blah blah.

Sad thing is, the trauma center staff in hospitals are always busy cleaning up messes from vehicle wrecks.  Yet people biking are the ones trying to do the right thing and end all the suffering.  Take the world in the right direction.  Why isn’t it a real priority to mobilize every resource available to help them?