Unforseen effect of asian insect introduced into Europe

Just read an article about a published paper which has found that the introduction of the Asian ladybug to Europe 20 years ago has had multiple deleterious and unforeseen effects. The initial purpose for introducing the bug into Europe was to combat aphids. Apparently the aphids living in trees lining streets would drop goop onto people’s vehicles among other unpleasant things. Now it looks like wine from Europe may forever be spoiled as one of the unintended consequences.


The foreign insect was introduced into France in the early 90s, and was first used in the Netherlands in around 1996. The Asian ladybird was a formidable weapon in the fight against aphids in greenhouses and on avenue trees, from which lice excrete sticky honeydew onto cars.

However, time has shown that these insects, which have very few natural enemies in Europe, are also devouring the native ladybirds. Furthermore, colonies of the Asian variety hibernate in houses and other buildings, where their excrement can cause contamination. Last but least, it has been discovered that when the supply of aphids runs out, this insect has an appetite for grapes and spoils the taste of the wine.


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