More info that the microorganisms in us can control us

I wrote a while ago about how it can sometimes be disgusting when someone kisses you, slobbering whatever microorganisms are growing in their mouths – and usually there are a lot of them – all over and possibly inside you as well.  Candida is a well-known yeast that causes infections in humans.  It can persist in the body and be very difficult to get rid of.  It feeds off a bad diet, rich in refined carbohydrates and processed foods.  Its difficult to get rid of because its difficult to get off the refined foods for people who are on them.  Its a shock for the body and brain in different ways.  There are definite withdrawal symptoms and various stages of detoxification on the rocky road to cleaning out one’s system.

Therefore I don’t appreciate it when someone with bad hygiene plunges their tongue into my mouth unexpectedly when I’m just trying to be a sexy girl and seem inviting and receptive to them.  They take it way too far.  I wasn’t asking to be attacked biologically.  A nice kiss on the cheek or just lips with no tongue is so much sweeter and… sexier, inasmuch as not having microorganisms injected into my system is sexy.

In that previous post I speculated that there might actually be these covert wars going on between different groups of humans, based on the types of microorganisms living in their bodies.  This of course would relate to their diets.  Diet relates to choices – conscious choices one makes about how to live – so there’s an aspect of will to this and also an element of karma.

It could be that there are these secret immune wars going on in the world, and that there even exist collective dynamics for these things as people of certain types form dynamics to reinforce each others’ ways.  Maybe these are the real wars that are affecting the world, these secret wars which are operating at the level of microorganisms in our bodies.

Today there is published another article which states that the microorganisms in us can affect our minds.

Viva las vegans!


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