Easily invoke a mystical energy in your private space


1 stereo, shelf system, boombox, or other audio system
1 laptop, computer, stereo, or other audio system


Play one type of audio stream (can be a type of music or soundtrack to any type of video) on the stereo, boombox, or other audio system. Keep the volume to just above the audible level. That is, the volume should be low, just above the threshold where you can discern what is actually playing. This is the background sound source.

Next, on the laptop, computer, or other audio system that is nearer to you play a different type of music or audio stream. Adjust the level so that it is equal to or perhaps just slightly higher than the other audio source. This is the primary sound source.

Pick a type of music for the primary source. For example new-agey or space-type music. The background source could be something more active. It could be a soundtrack from Japanese dramas. It could be dance music. Or you could reverse the sources and have something really slow in the background and something more busy in the foreground. Feel free to experiment.

When the two sources mix in your environment they will create a mystical energy that is really cool.

You can also play around with equalization settings for the two audio sources. Find the optimal eq for the background source and the primary source.

You can also have a fan or air purifier running in the background to create an extra lush effect that really makes you feel isolated from the outside world, in your own mystical space.

You can also do things in your mystical space like drink relaxing herbal teas, take baths, read, meditate, or just relax.

Sometimes I just like to let my mind wander and think of all kinds of fascinating things. For example you can visualize the Cosmos and different galaxies and celestial objects. You can imagine different types of energies and all these different, amazing beings across the universe.


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