The oligarchy writhing

The past few days the oligarchy has been shitting its pants and writhing. Over the Brexit, and also over Donald Trump. And I love it. Keep writhing fuckers. Writhe all the way to oblivion. And fuck “the economy”. It is overabundantly clear what “the economy” means and has meant for a long time: Fuckover of people.

Fuck the economy, fuck the oligarchy. Fuck their media apparatus. Fuck their minions in government. Fuck the bribery. Fuck the betrayal of people. Fuck the betrayal of entire countries. Fuck their lies.

Let them writhe. I love to watch it.

George Will announced that he’s no longer a Republican but is switching to Democrat. Former Treasury Secretary under Bush Paulson comes out with full-page ad denouncing Trump. AYFKM? That’s excellent news. Please, keep it coming!

The more these sick fucks are upset the better it is, the more appealing Donald Trump is, the more clear it is that he is exactly the person America has needed as our leader for a long time.