The European Union is no longer fit to be the collective political body of Europe

What the vote in the the UK means is that Angela Merkel and her cohorts’ disastrous policies have wrecked the European Union. Angela Merkel’s infamous legacy will be the wrecking of the institution of the European Union which took many decades to build. Her appallingly outrageous policies of betrayal of the people of Europe made the European Union an organization unfit to be the collective political body of Europe.

As a political leader, Angela Merkel is deluded and her policies are catastrophic. It is taking Germany way to long to kick her and her cohorts out of power.

Until there is a fundamental re-awakening in Europe the project of uniting Europe into one union has and will be a failure because it is wrong. It went from a dream to a nightmare. The fact that it occurred so quickly and so undemocratically is shocking and a lesson to all.

Its unfortunate because the European Union was perhaps the most progressive political organization in history in terms of protecting human and other rights.

But the mass betrayal of the peoples of Europe condemned it to catastrophic failure. There will be more to happen politically across Europe before many of the deluded politicians learn their lessons and are permanently thrown out of power.

Its too soon to talk about something new in the future to replace what the EU was supposed to be. Right now it has to be completely torn apart.

Peoples of Europe: Get to work!