Profound composition

Starting to study this piece. The left hand is very challenging. The emotion this piece instills is very profound. For me it is complete and necessary.

By complete I mean that it is able to completely fulfill me. I need nothing else. By necessary I mean that I need it as part of my life, as part of the music that I listen to. (It is not exclusive because yes I can and do listen to other music.)

I realize though that music created by others who do not have this inspiration or something very similar to it leaves me feeling empty. I’ve had way too many empty musical experiences in my life unfortunately, and there’s way too much empty music in general and the trend is in the wrong direction (not surprisingly like so many other things). In a sense this world is really lost.

I was looking for a guitar version of this e-flat major praeludium and the only one I saw was terrible. But I did find this guitar version of the e major praeludium for violin solo by Bach which also exists as the sinfonia for his cantata “Wir danken dir” (which is a majestic, beautiful organ piece):

As a woman I want to write that this is one of the biggest turn on’s – not like so many pretentious “dude” idiots with tight abs who are totally full of themselves (and full of crap) – but a man like this, so immersed in the process of creation and devotion to music, where you can see the joy and ecstasy in his expression as he plays.


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