(Update v.4) Basic Voting Guide for June 7

The election is tomorrow Tuesday, June 7.

This is not a complete guide. I plan to update it later with more information. But for now here is one general guideline for how I am voting and how I encourage everyone to vote.

Here is a basic synopsis of how to vote:

Nancy Pelosi: HELL NO!
Barry Hermanson: YES!
Von Hougo: YES!
Kamala Harris: HELL NO!
Hilary Clinton HELL NO!
London Breed: HELL NO! Get her out!
Regional District AA: YES. Maybe not what everyone thinks is perfect but I support all efforts to protect the bay and wetlands
SF Prop B: NO
SF Prop C: NO. No to “affordable” housing
Affordable housing: NO!
Assistance for the homeless: NO!
Any candidate who supports either of these: NO!
Any candidate who supports illegal immigration/”sanctuary” policies: NO!
Jane Kim for State Senate: Yes!

Even though I do not agree with every vote Jane Kim has made and with every position she takes, I think she has good intentions and support her for state senator.

Affordable housing and homeless assistance: I am not voting for any measure that provides or increases “affordable” housing or that provides any form of assistance to the homeless (this does not mean rent-control or protections for existing tenants which I strongly support).

We already see how existing housing projects in our cities are abysmal failures. They are hotbeds of crime. They are a huge loss for communities which must dump enormous amounts of money into law enforcement and welfare. In return, communities are plagued by crime and violence. The bottom line is that the government should not be in the business of selectively providing any kind of assistance or welfare to any group. Ok, maybe I am in favor of food stamps. But beyond that, the result is always a disaster.

There are middle-class people who struggle to get by, and then there are people who win the “lottery” to live in subsidized housing. I think that’s fucked. Its completely unfair. Government should not be in the business of having lotteries and awarding housing to specific people. Instead, the market should take care of the situation naturally.

Also, all forms of assistance to the homeless in a city where even many full-time professionals cannot afford to live is just completely deluded. We are talking about people who have absolutely no realistic way in hell of ever being able to live in the city. Giving assistance to them is just giving them another hit of crack and prolonging an already bad situation. The city is already plagued with a huge amount of homelessness and vagrancy and outrageous levels of crime. Homeless people need to be OUT of the city.

The condition of the city is appalling. It is not safe to comport oneself outdoors anymore. It is completely insane to extend and exacerbate the problem by throwing away more money on assistance for the homeless, who need to find a place to live where they have a realistic chance of being able to afford the cost of living, particularly housing.

That said, perhaps one solution would be to build camps in the central valley designed to help homeless people acquire techniques for constructive living. That type of assistance would at least be realistic, and not prolong or exacerbate the huge crime problem the city is facing.

Finally, the homeless problem is severely exacerbated by the 30 million illegals who have flooded into the country, stealing precisely the types of jobs which help people struggling on the margins of society to get by and be able to sustain themselves.

I am all for legal immigration and I love multi cultural societies, but the flood of illegals pouring in is outrageous.  The immigration system and border controls have basically completely failed, and then the situation is exacerbated by the most outrageous politicians who flagrantly support violating our country’s immigration laws.

No other developed nation in the world has immigration policies as insane as the United States.  If people were to discuss implementing an immigration policy similar to what are considered the most liberal ones in Europe, there would be throngs of people screaming racism and calling it hatred.  The debate around illegal immigration is severely distorted by the fact that it is one of the major agendas of the oligarchy to provide another hit of crack for “the economy”.  Illegal immigration is a Koch Brothers and US Chamber of Commerce agenda.  It is an agenda of the agribusiness giants who put family farms out of business.  And its sickening to see politicians who support illegal immigration and claiming that it is humanitarian, while American citizens suffer and bleed.


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