Another Clinton mega-lie exposed bare

This story is actively being blocked out from the media. The oligarchy is in action again. You can witness it right now – by the story’s absence. It was given initial widespread exposure, because there was simply no way for Big Media not to, but only after a couple days it has disappeared from the news which is an absolute outrage given its severity.

This story is huge news. The Secretary of State of the United States was found by the Inspector General of her own department to have extremely violated rules. She went against the rules by using a personal e-mail server in her house instead of the State Department’s. Think of this. If any CEO of a company did this it would be terrible. But for the Secretary of State to do it – it breaks laws.

Not only that, her IT staff were told to drop the issue. She also failed to properly inform the State Department what she was doing. Nor did she inform them as required about possible security threats. She violated multiple rules which are very serious.

Then she lied – extensively, repeatedly – about it.

And – get this – when the Inspector General was investigating, they requested and received interviews with numerous former Secretaries of State and some key staff – except – except Clinton and her staff. Clinton refused to speak with the Inspector General investigating the issue. That is an outrage.

Of course, if Donald Trump had moved his little pinky, it would be in the news for days and days – in the headlines – without end. If someone else had moved their little pinky, the oligarchy-controlled press would still make a huge issue out of it, tie it to Donald Trump, and it would run in the news endlessly for days.

The Democratic presidential front-runner has repeatedly lied for more than a year, has violated policies and the law, and acted highly irresponsibly. She is absolutely unfit for any office, much less for President of the United States.

Obama – the President of the United States – the person who is supposed to hold the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the federal government – simply refuses to discuss the issue of his Secretary of State’s having breached policy, the law, and having lied.

Wow. Just look at the oligarchy convulsing and contorting in the most sickening ways.


Clearly their playbook is to never give an inch – right? – which is the Clinton playbook going back to 1992 and its worked for them in the past – right? – they just grind their way through it. But I always have looked at this – its sort of, what is it? – Occam’s Razor: what’s the most logical sort of explanation – and the most logical explanation is she wanted to make it harder for the press and Congress to see her correspondence.

So they made FOIA requests more difficult by doing what? Making sure it wasn’t on a government server, putting it on a private server. And that’s the part of this – the idea of convenience – I’ve never been able to accept that because, what’s convenient about having a sever in your house?

— Chuck Todd, NBC political reporter

Here’s some more mega-lying if you want to see it: