Donald Trump standing up for Americans

The head of Facebook is a major sleazebag. Facebook is one of the sleaziest and most destructive companies that exists, on par with BP and Enron. The damage the company causes to the global information logos is extensive and a catastrophe on par with if not exceeding the Gulf Oil Spill.

The head of the company making self-righteous pronouncements about what American immigration policy should be is total BS. I’m glad the Trump campaign is standing up for American people against the oligarchic scum. Thank God for Donald Trump.

And for companies that want to hire large number of foreign workers – they should get their companies out of America. If they do not want to hire Americans then they should not operate in America. Its that simple.

I recommend that Mark Zuckerberg give up all his money, his private security, everything, and go live in a ghetto in Tijuana and see how he likes it.