Please help me become President

I would like to become President of the United States. I know that I would make an excellent leader who could take America from darkness to light.

Before becoming President I am willing to serve at the local and later the state level. I would really appreciate any support, suggestions, or feedback about this.

One factor that has made me decide to do this is the fact that of all the people I have known, met, or even known about, no one really wants to be a leader. But we as a people desperately need people who are willing and capable of standing up and taking lead.

Perhaps not everyone is made to be a leader, but I feel and I know deep down within that I have the qualifications to be an extremely good leader and am capable of achieving great things. As a human being I may not have much going on in my personal life to make it worthwhile, but, as long as I am alive as a human being, I am willing to dedicate myself towards improving the world for the benefit of all. Because, what else is there to do?

When I am running for whatever offices that I decide to seek I will stand up and tell the truth. I do not have fear or hesitation. It is already clear what we need and where we need to go. And it is clear that we need the truth and people who are willing to express and explore the truth. Therefore there is no need for hesitation, fear, or anxiety. What there is a need for right now is for people to make a stand for what is right.

There are basic principles of the sanctity of all living things. There is also the need for clear thinking. Unfortunately many of the current politicians in office are not really leaders, and they significantly lack competence to deal with fundamental issues related to commerce, to logistics, to basic human welfare, and to technology in general. The lack of competence translates into serious failings that occur at multiple levels from the personal to the societal, both commercial, environmental, physiological, psychological, familial, and communal (in the sense of communities as living, organic structures).

What our governments lack across the country right now are competence and also will. Politicians play into the hands of vested interests which impose a status quo that is destructive.

The basis of everything is the sanctity of life. Not just human life, but all life. After this comes the foundation of health. Before anyone can change the world they must be healthy and whole. No undertaking of any society that lacks health can ever be successful. But health is intimately tied to the sanctity of life. They go together. When the sanctity of life is honored, then humans are happy and healthy. From this basis they can go on to achieve great things, not just empty schemes that at first may seem impressive but ultimately lead nowhere.

But we are seeing the rise of the scheming economy just as the real economy fizzles out because of lack of genuine innovation. Genuine innovation is always based on a broad-minded thinking which benefits humanity, not just scheming from a selfish perspective. This does not mean that private interests are not important, but that when a culture loses is focus on the importance of achievements for all humanity and all living things, it begins to slip into a darkness, a kind of sickness that is grounded on more and more selfishness and empty materialism.

The way a government can re-align the country is to establish clear laws and policies related to the sanctity of life. The basic, fundamental rights of people to live in homes that are safe, peaceful, wholesome environments is primal. The right of people to have access to healthy nourishment is essential. From these basic principles stem many of the things which are capable of turning society from its darkness.


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