Here’s my platform

This is part of my platform for the Office of President of the United States. If anyone wants to support me I would be happy to run.

At my first State of the Union I would spontaneously, without announcement, call for a constitutional convention and call upon my fellow American citizens to meet and change the Constitution in the following 3 ways:

1. The electoral system would be reformed in the following ways. First, there would be a constitutional amendment regarding vote weight disparity, which would make all elections with a vote weight disparity above say 4 or 5 illegal. This would essentially end the Senate as it exists and require a new way to district and elect the upper house of Congress.

2. Donations, gifts, or any other form of provision of money, services, material, or immaterial items to public officials would be strictly prohibited.

3. For both houses of Congress the electoral system would be changed to proportional representation. Seats allocated in both houses would be proportional to the number of votes received, not winner-takes-all.

I would either extend the Department of Commerce or else create a new department which would be responsible for creating and maintaining national technology infrastructure including things like geolocation, GIS, GPS, surveying, and timekeeping. This department would be responsible for providing publicly accessible, high-quality API’s that could be relied upon by organizations, businesses, and individuals for the sake of research and commerce.

I would fire the Postmaster General and create a team of highly innovative people to develop the most technologically advanced and efficient postal system in the world, including a complete redesign of the postal system and post offices based on advanced technology.

I would seriously re-examine every agency and department of the federal government and close departments which are inefficient, wasteful, or unnecessary.

I would take back the airwaves so to speak and go back to the idea that the airwaves – including now what can be called bandwidth – ultimately belongs to the people and that companies which broadcast or transmit via the public infrastructure do so with the permission of the People and for the benefit of the People. I would ban the use of public airwaves for any transmission which involved the mockery, insult, vilification, or any other form of denigration of any social group, or which incites division or discord among people.

I would convene a panel of experts in psychology and sociology to examine the effects of exposure to gratuitous violence and sex in media and impose a federal ban on any form of media transmission deemed harmful to the human psyche.

I would have an organics first policy that would ensure that the highest priority of the federal government would be to support natural and sustainable methods of agriculture. I would do everything in my power to increase the livability of urban areas. I would convene a panel of experts on ecology, health, and urban planning to devise ways to radically redesign urban and community infrastructure at core levels across the country.

I would institute the strongest protections possible for wildlife and our environment. I would increase and radically improve national park, wilderness, refuge, and other areas so that they become places of refuge and sanity not just for wildlife but for humans to visit.

I would continue programs of exploration and knowledge such as space missions by NASA but also remind my fellow Americans that all the knowledge in the world is not as important as a healthy Earth filled with healthy people.

I would use every means possible to encourage or require communities across the United States to immediately start planning for a “worst-case” resource-depletion scenario which would involve things like Combined Heat and Power plants and related infrastructure, as well as other technologies such as those mentioned in this article.

I would convene a panel to look into long-term problems that the United States faces, such as social injustice, poverty, and disempowerment. Right now our communities are bleeding resources and money on band-aid approaches to what are longstanding problems that in many cases reach back decades and even centuries. Just as East Germany and West Germany engaged in a monumental process of unification, the United States needs to look at its entire history and initiate its own process of reunification. Rather than bleeding money on local law enforcement, criminal justice systems, and prisons we need to solve problems the right way and that may involve radically rethinking how we got where we are now and how we together can get to a new and better place for all. We should be devoting our precious resources towards education, health, and public infrastructure not police, courts, and prisons.

I am very serious about running for office. If not President, I am willing to run for any other office if I have the support of others willing to help me.