The disgusting, sleazy grime of American state and local politics

Most people probably know already that there is a major thing going on right now in America. That thing is inadvertently exposing a lot of the disgusting grime in the United States.

The entity which is invoking this revelation is the vehicle manufacturer Tesla which makes famous, high-performance electric cars. Tesla decided to sell its vehicles not through the standard dealership-franchise model, but directly to customers via showrooms.

Vehicle dealerships are about as disgusting and sleazy as it gets. Also, the dealership-franchise model is not as efficient since vehicles must be made and then end up sitting on dealer’s lots, hoping to be sold. With the showroom model the manufacturer only makes a vehicle once a customer orders it. There is no need to have a lot with all these vehicles sitting on it.

There are probably a lot of other reasons why the franchise model is bad, not the least of which is it is just a rip-off and basically amounts to something like a monopoly.

But what the issue with Tesla is revealing is how much deeper the grime goes. Its not just about dealerships, its also about their enormous sway over state governments and, as this highly informative comment I just read on indicates, extends into local television stations as well, which are part of that sleazebag, corrupt power structure:

slashdot dealer comment

Its sad to me, because over the years I’ve tried my best to get involved with various types of political organizations only to end up being disappointed by their lack of understanding and interest in what is really happening in the United States. When you read the comment above, think about the major impact that has on politics. Its not only about tv stations, dealerships, and governments working together regarding the totalitarian, monopolistic franchise laws. Think about the way the powerful auto industry and no doubt dealerships have totally destroyed American cities and have successfully destroyed public transit and alternate means of transportation as viable alternatives, turning our cities, our living environments, into intolerable hells that are built more for machines than for living, breathing organisms.

There is a dark side of this story which runs much, much deeper that the surface which is presenting itself now on the occasion of Tesla attempting to bypass the monopoly and the corrupt political machines which keep them empowered.

Its so convenient for political organizations which claim to be concerned about our environment, our government, or well-being, etc. to myopically concentrate on things which, in the overall scheme, seem almost trivial. Its not that they aren’t directly taking on this particular issue, its that they’re not even concerned with becoming aware of it and promoting awareness of the sick and corrupt undercurrents which shackle American society in chains.

If these people were generals in some battle they would be the type to only focus on the immediate threat presented to them only to get their asses royally kicked because they weren’t even thinking that the enemy might be outflanking them. They weren’t thinking about it nor in fact were they able to even conceive that it might be occurring.

It really makes you wonder then, who really are the people who are responsible for running many of these seemingly good-intentioned political organizations because more often than not they cause as much or more damage than if they had been black operations run by the corrupt entities themselves.

We are living in a time when there is so much corruption that its like society has just become exhausted and has collapsed, choosing to forget about the atrocities, the treachery, the sickness, the monumental scale of corruption and lies.