Days like this, I’m proud of my country

2014 Pulitzer Prize Winners

2014 Pulitzer Prize Winners – Public Service

For a distinguished example of meritorious public service by a newspaper or news site through the use of its journalistic resources, including the use of stories, editorials, cartoons, photographs, graphics, videos, databases, multimedia or interactive presentations or other visual material, a gold

Awarded to The Washington Post for its revelation of widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security.


Awarded to The Guardian US for its revelation of widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, helping through aggressive reporting to spark a debate about the relationship between the government and the public over issues of security and privacy.

Not just the Public Service award, but all the awards. The Pulitzer Prizes are great.

But going even further than this, the debate needs to be more than just about “the relationship between the government and the public over issues of security and privacy”. The debate needs to be deeper, about what, fundamentally, government is, why and how it exists. Why do any of the institutions that are taken for granted – education, healthcare, law enforcement and public safety, utilities, banks, etc. – exist?

More and more, all these things are just ripoffs and scams. There exists a permanently wealthy class of oligarchs who can permanently live off taxing and charging rent to the poor. Companies that fail to innovate and deliver cost-effective services and products can lock-in through monopolies and extensive government bribes, circumventing the true processes of capitalism and free markets.

As I look out, I see America failing. Its environment is failing. Its education and healthcare are failing. The companies which people rely on for essential things are fucking them over. Law enforcement is essentially a tool of authoritarian oppression and control.

America’s cities are rotting and their environments are sick and damaging. They’re good places to live if you want your kids to become sick, brain-damaged flunkies, but not places of health and wholeness.

City governments are disgustingly, atrociously corrupt and all-too-eager to drool over the next development project meanwhile neighborhoods crumble and people languish in sick, toxic, damaging environments. Meanwhile the poor can watch the oligarchs shuttling themselves around in their realms of privilege, totally disconnected and unconcerned about the realities outside of their insular realms.

Mass media is a major farce and complete mind-control. It goes way beyond mere censorship and control of stories/issues into demonic realms of mind-programming. Eat beef. Be a sick, disgusting pig. Kill people of color halfway around the globe. Be stupid and obedient.

Family farms have all-but disappeared in favor of horrific giant agribusiness mega-corporations which rely on vast pools of virtual slave labor – they can’t find Americans to do it so they bring in illegals.

I go jogging through the downtown of the gritty city and am sexually harassed. People yell out of cars. Winos blurt out crap. There are brand new, shiny skyscrapers rising up, and down below at the basement level where the winos are is the stench from all the rotting waste-filled gargantuan-sized dumpsters whose stench spreads for entire blocks.

Recycling is a joke. There is so much recyclable material being put into solid waste dumps that its horrifying and nothing short of a crime against Earth herself.

But I’m glad that there are things being reported that make people see through the BS, the wall of manufactured consensus reality that everyone is supposed to hypnotically follow. Hopefully people will realize that the rot has spread to almost every level and has reached astonishing proportions. Its time for people to wake up.

Humans need to stop killing. There’s no reason to kill sentient beings for food. And so much of what is sold as “food” is gross, disgusting, toxic garbage. No product should have added sugar in it. Manufacturers should not be allow to hide the ingredients with tiny 4 pt fonts that can only be read with electron microscopes. People need to recondition their senses of taste to learn to love what is truly healthy and wholesome, despite the onslaught from companies making more and more deceptive crap which robs the body of what it needs.

The beginning of the end to wars and killings is to stop killing animals for food and stop torturing them in horrific experiments.

People need to wake up, clean up, and get up and start to make a new world, the world we truly deserve to live in, if only we’re willing to make sacrifices and endure discomfort if necessary to accomplish it.

Turn off the shit-tube which is rotting people’s souls and damaging their precious psyches. Go outside and breathe fresh air and experience the wondrousness of Earth and life and create the world we deserve.

And finally, there are way too many humans. Overpopulation is THE #1 problem facing planet Earth. #1. All countries and peoples should be practicing birth control, not giving incentives to flunkies to spit out welfare babies.

And finally, be truly courageous and don’t be afraid to stand up on your own even if that means standing against everything around you. It may be more abrasive to live that way but, in the end, at least you will have the deep satisfaction of knowing that you followed something higher, and have the blessings of heaven which come to those who are courageous and bright.

Don’t let this sick world delude you, trick you, or fool you for one minute. If you know what light is, if you have tasted the precious drop, never forget that taste. Lock it into your soul forever and know that there is more than this world. Live for eternity, not for the dominant, sick, self-replicating paradigms of the world of today.


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